Product Categories
1. Textile Auxiliaries:
We also specialise in producing high performance Textile Auxiliaries, viz; Anti Static Coning Oil, Knitting Oil & Spin Finish Oil (Brand Name: UNICON) which is used in the manufacture of Man Made fibers such as Polyester, Nylon, Viscose & Rayon.

Used extensively in the texturing of synthetic yarn such as viscose, acetate rayon, nylons and polyesters. The low frictional properties of the oil reduce break level, while the surfactants permit higher & uniform oil pick-up even at consistent roller speeds compared to conventional oils.
Note: The oil has anti-static properties and excellent pick-up quality as high as 5% to 8% on wt. of yarn. It gives a considerable reduction in chemical “SPLASHING” in high speed machines, thereby reducing “Total Consumption” in addition to chemical wastage and overall cost.
Product Specifications of Anti-Static Coning Oil:
2. High Performance Methyl Esters:
We supply High Performance Methyl Esters that have a wide range of applications such as in Jet Lubricants,
Methyl Ester Sulphonates, Plasticizers, PEG Esters, rolling oils, sulphurised lubricants, low – VOC Solvents, metalworking fluids, solvents for inks, solvents for paint removal, production of plasticizer alcohols, emulsifiers, stabilizers, resins, amides, chlorinated lubricants, cutting oils, defoamers, gear oils, ink solvents, isopropyl esters and flavorings.
Product Specifications of High Performance Methyl Esters:

3. BIODIESEL B100 from Non-Edible Oils:
B100 biodiesel (100% biodiesel) is an EPA -registered fuel and fuel additive designed as a blendstock for use in blending with petroleum diesel.

Biodiesel has been shown to significantly reduce the emissions of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and particulate when used alone or as a blend (B5, B20).
Our MIDC Mahad Unit with a Plant Capacity of 30 TPD is able to produce Biodiesel that meets IS 15607:2022 Specifications.
Product Specifications of BIODIESEL B100:
4. Soya Methyl Ester / Methyl Soyate
The company supplies high quality Methyl Esters such as Soya Methyl Ester / Methyl Soyate, & esters of any other Non-Edible Vegetable Oils that are required in Industrial Applications.
Methyl Ester Sulphonates, Plasticizers, PEG Esters, rolling oils, sulphurised lubricants, low – VOC Solvents, metalworking fluids, solvents for inks, solvents for paint removal, production of plasticizer alcohols, emulsifiers, stabilizers, resins, amides, chlorinated lubricants, cutting oils, defoamers, gear oils, ink solvents, isopropyl esters and flavorings.
Product Specifications of High Performance Methyl Esters:

5. Methyl Esters of Vegetable Oils:
We are able to offer Methyl Esters from various Fatty Acids & Oils depending upon Customer specifications & end application.

Some of the Esters include Castor derivatives, Methyl Soyate / Soya Methyl Ester, Linseed, Palm Oils & Soya Fatty Acid.